#Swift 4 ios 11 status bar blur plus#
Hover over a row, then click the plus sign that appears to add a new property to your. move its origin up 20 points and increase its height. Open the Project Navigator and select the project for your iOS app, then select the Info tab. So, you might be able to compensate by giving your visual effect view a different frame, i.e. What you see in the screen shot are the navigation bar's bounds. The design is made at 1x, which means the iPhone 8 screens measure 375 x 667. It's partly because you set the visual effect view's frame to the navigation bar's bounds.

If let statusBarFrame = window?.windowScene?.statusBarManager?. The screen for the Library tab (also includes the Status Bar and Tab Bar). For example, if you want to blur an image, you would use this code: let imageView UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: 'example')) imageView. Here's what I've tried: func blurStatusBar() ) As of iOS 8.0, visual effects such as blur and vibrancy are a cinch because Apple provides a built in UIView subclass that does all the hard work: UIVisualEffectView. There are some solutions I've found on the internet but they're all a couple of years old at least and refer to deprecated properties, so I'e been trying to come up with a solution that works for iOS 13+ without any warnings. So, let’s look at just one more before we move on: saturation(), which adjusts how much color is used inside a view.

I am trying to blur the status bar like in Apple Maps. There are a host of other real-time effects we can apply, and we already looked at blur() back in project 3.